Scholarly Publications
Except where otherwise stated, Nicholas Temperley is the sole author.
- Books and Monographs
- Chapters in Books
- Articles in Periodicals
- Articles in Encyclopedias
- Reviews
- Editions of Music
- Original Compositions
- Arrangements
I. Books and Monographs
1. Jonathan Gray and Church Music in York, 1770–1840. Borthwick Papers, No. 51.
York: St. Anthony’s Press, 1977
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 287–317.
2. The Music of the English Parish Church. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
2nd edn (vol. 1 only) 1986.
3rd edn 2006.
3. The Romantic Age, 1800–1914 (edited by Temperley). The Athlone History of Music in Britain (Ian Spink, general editor), Vol.5. London: Athlone Press, 1981. Reissued as The Blackwell History of Music in Britain, Vol.5. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988.
4. Nicholas Temperley and Charles G. Manns. Fuging Tunes in the Eighteenth Century. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 49. Detroit: Information Coordinators, 1983.
5. The Lost Chord: Essays on Victorian Music (edited by Temperley). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
6. Chopin (translated by Celso Loureiro Chaves). São Paolo: L & PM Editores, 1989. (Based on II.10).
7. Haydn: The Creation. Cambridge Music Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
8. The Hymn Tune Index: A Census of English-Language Hymn Tunes in Printed Sources from 1535 to 1820. With the assistance of Charles G. Manns and Joseph Herl. 4 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. Online version opened 2001.
9. Bound for America: Three British Composers. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003. Reissued in paperback, 2008.
10. William Sterndale Bennett: Lectures on Musical Life (edited by Temperley with the assistance of Yunchung Yang). Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2006.
11. Studies in English Church Music. Variorum Reprints Series. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009. (A reprint, with a new introduction and list of corrections, of I.1; II. 21, 26, 28; and III. 24, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 52.)
12. Music and the Wesleys (edited by Temperley and Stephen Banfield). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2010.
13. Musicians of Bath and Beyond: Edward Loder (1809–66) and his Family (edited by Temperley). Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2016.
II. Chapters in Books
1. “The English Romantic Opera”
Charles Osborne, ed., Opera 1966 (London, 1967), 133–42
2. “Schubert and the Lied”
Hans-Hubert Schoenzeler, ed., Of German Music (London, 1976), 153–78
3. “Ballroom and Drawing Room Music”
The Romantic Age 1800–1914 (see I.3 above), 109–34
4. “Cathedral Music”
The Romantic Age 1800–1914 (see I.3 above), 171–213
5. “Piano Music, 1800–1870”
The Romantic Age 1800–1914 (see I.3 above), 400–34
6. “Organ Music”
The Romantic Age 1800–1914 (see I.3 above), 435–51
7. “England”, “USA”
Musikalische Gattungen in Einzeldarstellungen. 1, Symphonische Musik (Kassel, 1981), 115–20
Revision of IV.1, “Symphonie: England und USA”
8. “New Light on the Libretto of The Creation”
Christopher Hogwood and Richard Luckett, eds., Music in Eighteenth-Century
England: Essays in Memory of Charles Cudworth (Cambridge, 1983), 189–211
9. “The Bach Revival”
Stanley Sadie, ed., The New Grove Bach Family (London, 1983)
10. “Chopin: Life and Works”
Stanley Sadie, ed.,The New Grove Early Romantic Masters (London, 1985), 1–96
Reprinted in an Italian translation by Donata Aldi in Nicholas Temperley, Gerald Abraham and Humphrey Searle, Maestri del primo romanticismo: Chopin, Schumann, Liszt (Guide alla musica, Milan, 1988)
Reprinted in Portuguese translation as I.6
11. “Stephen Humbert’s Union Harmony, 1816”
John Beckwith, ed. Sing Out the Glad News: Hymn Tunes in Canada, CanMus
Documents, No. 1 (Toronto, 1987), 57–89
12. “Introduction: The State of Research on Victorian Music”
The Lost Chord (see I.5 above), 1–16
13. “Musical Nationalism in English Romantic Opera”
The Lost Chord (see I.5 above), 143–57
14. “Romantic Opera: Britain”
Stanley Sadie, ed., The New Grove History of Opera (London, 1989)
15. “Opera 1830–1850: (f) Britain and the United States”
Gerald Abraham, ed., The New Oxford History of Music, Vol.9 (Oxford, 1990)
16. “Opera 1850–1890: (e) Britain and the United States”
Gerald Abraham, ed., The New Oxford History of Music, Vol.9 (Oxford, 1990)
17. “Solo Song 1830–1890: (g) Britain and the United States”
Gerald Abraham, ed., The New Oxford History of Music, Vol.9 (Oxford, 1990)
18. “Music in Church”
H. Diack Johnstone and Roger Fiske, eds., The Eighteenth Century, The Blackwell History of Music in Britain (Ian Spink, general editor), Vol. 4 (Oxford, 1990), 357–96
19. “The Tunes of Congregational Song in Britain from the Reformation to 1750”
Raymond Glover, ed., The Hymnal 1982 Companion, I (New York, 1990)
20. “The Problem of Definitive Identification in the Indexing of Hymn Tunes”
Richard D. Green, ed., Foundations in Music Bibliography (New York, 1993),
(Same as III. 59.)
21. “The Hymn Books of the Foundling and Magdalen Hospital Chapels”
David Hunter, ed., Music Publishing & Collecting: Essays in Honor of Donald
W. Krummel (Urbana, Illinois, 1994), 1–37
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 221–57
22. “Worship Music in English-Speaking North America, 1608–1820”
Timothy J. McGee, ed., Taking a Stand: Essays in Honour of John Beckwith (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995), 166–84
23. “Present at the Birth”
Christopher Turner, ed., The Gallery Tradition: Aspects of Georgian Psalmody.
Papers from the International Conference organised by The Colchester Institute, August 1995
(Ketton, 1997; reprinted as Georgian Psalmody 1, Corby Glen, 1998), 1–7
24. “Contrasts, Issues, Preferences”
Christopher Turner, ed., Georgian Psalmody 2: The Interaction between Urban
and Rural Practice (Corby Glen, 1999), 1–6
25. “Xenophilia in British Musical History”
Bennett Zon, ed., Nineteenth-Century British Music Studies, 1 (Aldershot, 1999),
26. “Ancient and Modern in the Work of Sir John Stainer”
Peter Horton & Bennett Zon, eds., Nineteenth-Century British Music Studies, 3
(Aldershot, 2003), 103-18
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 329–44
27. “Felix Mendelssohn: Elijah, Op. 70”
The BBC Proms Guide to Great Choral Works (London, 2004), 172–7
28. “‘If any of you be mery let hym syng psalmes’: The Culture of Psalms in Church
and Home”
Jessie Anne Owens, ed., “Noyses, Sounds, and Sweet Aires”: Music in Early Modern England (Washington, 2006), 90–9
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 1–9
29. Foreword
Therese Ellsworth and Susan Wollenberg, ed., The Piano in Nineteenth-Century
British Culture: Instruments, performance and Repertoire (Aldershot, 2007),
30. “The Adventures of Hymn Tunes”
Paul R. Powell, ed., Hymnology in the Service of the Church: Essays in Honor of
Harry Eskew (St.Louis, 2008), 307–14
(Same as III.21)
31. “Preluding at the Piano” [PDF]
Bruno Nettl and Gabriel Solis, eds., Musical Improvisation: Art, Education, and Society (Urbana, IL, 2009), 323–41
32. Introduction
In Music and the Wesleys (see I.12), xiii–xviii
33. “John Wesley, Music, and the People Called Methodists”
In Music and the Wesleys (see I.12), 3–25
34. (with Stephen Banfield) “The Legacy of Samuel Sebastian Wesley in the English-Speaking World”
In Music and the Wesleys (see I.12), 216–29
35. “The Music of Dissent”
Isabel Rivers and David L. Wykes, eds., Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn in England and Wales (Oxford, 2011), 197–228
36. “Bibliography of Printed Collections of Music for English Dissenters (1662–1800)”
Ibid., 274–5
37. “Anglicanism and Music” [PDF]
Jeremy Gregory, ed., Establishment and Empire: The Development of Anglicanism, 1662–1829, The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume 2
(Oxford, 2017), chap. 19 (pp. 351–70)
III. Articles in Periodicals
1. “T. A. Walmisley’s Secular Music”
The Musical Times 97 (1956), 636–9
2. “A List of T. A. Walmisley’s Church Music”
English Church Music 27 (1957), 8–11
3. “Domestic Music in England, 1800–1860”
Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 85 (1958/9), 31–47
4. “Beethoven and London Concert Life, 1800–1850”
The Music Review 21 (1960), 207–14
5. “Handel’s Influence on English Music”
Monthly Musical Record 90 (1960), 163–74
6. “Functional and Non-Functional Dissonance”
Journal of Music Theory 4 (1960), 233–5
7. “Testing the Significance of Thematic Relationships”
The Music Review 22 (1961), 177–80
8. “Mozart’s Influence on English Music”
Music and Letters 42 (1961), 307–18
9. “The Prince Consort, Champion of Music”
The Musical Times 102 (1961), 763–4
10. “Mendelssohn’s Influence on English Music”
Music and Letters 43 (1962), 224–33
11. “Personal Tempo and Subjective Accentuation”
Journal of General Psychology 68 (1963), 267–87
12. “George Frederick Pinto, 1785–1806”
The Musical Times 106 (1965), 265–70
13. “Male-Voice Church Music”
The Musical Times 106 (1965), 886–7
14. “Samuel Wesley”
The Musical Times 107 (1966), 108–10
15. “Raymond and Agnes”
The Musical Times 107 (1966), 307–10
16. “English Romantic Opera”
Opera 17 (1966), 272–8
17. “The English Romantic Opera”
Victorian Studies 9 (1966), 293–301
18. “Tempo and Repeats in the Early Nineteenth Century”
Music and Letters 47 (1966), 323–36
19. “Berlioz and the Slur”
Music and Letters 50 (1969), 388–92
20. “Musical Journalism in 1844”
The Musical Times 110 (1969), 583–6
21. “The Adventures of a Hymn Tune”
The Musical Times 112 (1971), 375–6, 488–9
Reprinted as II.30
22. “The ‘Symphonie fantastique’ and its Program”
The Musical Quarterly 57 (1971), 593–608
23. “Kindred and Affinity in Hymn Tunes”
The Musical Times 113 (1972), 905–9
24. “John Playford and the Metrical Psalms”
Journal of the American Musicological Society 25 (1972), 331–78
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 21–68
25. “John Playford and the Stationers’ Company”
Music and Letters 54 (1973), 203–12
26. R. P. Jerrard and Nicholas Temperley, “Almost Perfect Numbers”
Mathematics Magazine 46 (1973), 84–7
27. “Henry Hugo Pierson, 1815–73”
The Musical Times 114 (1973), 1217–20; 115 (1974), 30–4
28. “Scorography: The Music of Chopin”
Musical Newsletter 4 (1974), 11–14
29. “John Field and the First Nocturne”
Music and Letters 56 (1975), 335–40
30. “Sterndale Bennett and the Lied”
The Musical Times 116 (1975), 958–61, 1060–3
31. “Middleburg Psalms”
Studies in Bibliography 30 (1977), 162–70
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 10–19
32. “Croft and the Charity Hymn”
The Musical Times 119 (1978), 539–41
Reprinted, with VI.10, in I.11, pp. 207–19
33. “The Anglican Communion Hymn”
The Hymn 30 (1979), 7–15, 93–101, 178–85, 243–51
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 103–39
34. “The Old Way of Singing”
The Musical Times 120 (1979), 943–7
35. “Organs in English Parish Churches, 1660–1830”
The Organ Yearbook 10 (1979), 83–100
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 175–92
36. “Organ Settings of English Psalm Tunes”
The Musical Times 112 (1981), 123–8
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 319–27
37. “Schubert and Beethoven’s Eight-Six Chord”
Nineteenth-Century Music 5 (1981/2), 142–54
38. “The Old Way of Singing: Its Origins and Development”
Journal of the American Musicological Society 34 (1981), 511–44
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 69–102
39. “Organ Music in Parish Churches, 1660–1730”
British Institute of Organ Studies, BIOS Journal 5 (1981), 33–45
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 193–205
40. “The Origins of the Fuging Tune”
Royal Musical Association, RMA Research Chronicle 17 (1981 [1982]), 1–32
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 141–73
41. “The Limits of Authenticity”
Early Music 12 (1984), 16–20
— (translated into Spanish by Luis Carlos Gago)
Quodlibet (Universidad de Alcala) 5 (June 1996), 66–72
42. “The London Pianoforte School”
The Musical Times 126 (1985), 25–6
43. “On Editing Facsimiles for Performance”
Music Library Association, Notes 41 (1984/5), 683–8
44. “Psalm Singing in Christian Churches”
The American Organist 20/10 (October 1986), 70–1
45. “The Lost Chord”
Victorian Studies 30 (1986), 7–23
46. “London and the Piano, 1760–1860”
The Musical Times 129 (1988), 289–93
47. “Enigma: The Composer’s Solution”
The Musical Times 129 (1988), 455–7
48. “Schumann and Sterndale Bennett”
Nineteenth-Century Music 12 (1988/9), 207–20
49. Walter Arnstein, Michael Bright, Linda Peterson and Nicholas Temperley, “Recent Studies in
Victorian Religion”
Victorian Studies 33 (1989), 149–75
50. “The Great Divide: Channel or Ocean?”
American Music 8 (1990), 1–11
51. “Haydn’s Tempos in The Creation”
Early Music 19 (1991), 235–45
52. “The Lock Hospital Chapel and Its Music”
Journal of the Royal Musical Association 118 (1993), 44–72
Reprinted in I.11, pp. 258–86
53. “The Problem of Definitive Identification in the Indexing of Hymn Tunes”
Music Reference Services Quarterly 2 (1993), 227–39
54. “First Forty: The Earliest American Compositions”
American Music 15 (1997), 1–25
55. “William Sterndale Bennett”
Royal Academy of Music Newsletter 15 (Spring 1998), 9
56. “The Hymn Tune Index: Everlasting Praise I”
The Musical Times 139 (Summer 1998), 46–8
57. “The Hymn Tune Index”
The Hymn 49/3 (July 1998), 7–8
58. “Tune or No Tune”: Guest Editorial
The Musical Times 143 (Winter 2002), 2–5
59. (with David Temperley) “Music–Language Correlations and the ‘Scotch Snap’”
Music Perception 129/1 (September 2011), 51–63
60. (with David Temperley) “Stress-Meter Alignment in French Vocal Music”
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134/1 (July 2013), 520–7
61. “‘All skillful praises sing’: How Congregations Sang the Psalms in Early Modern England”
Renaissance Studies 29 (2015), 531–53
62. “Sterndale Bennett at 200”
NABMSA blog, 20 April 2016
63. “The Whole Book of Psalms and the Beginning of Congregational Singing in
Monastic Musicians Newsletter 42 (Summer 2016), 33–7
64. “William Sterndale Bennett: Imitator or Original?”
Nineteenth-Century Music Review 13/2 (December 2016), 173–93
65. “Fruits of Compromise: The Early English Psalm Tunes”
IV. Articles in Encyclopedias
1. In Friedrich Blume, ed., Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Kassel, 1959–65):
Horsley, Charles Edward
Horsley, William
Jackson, William (“Jackson of Masham”)
Loder, John David, Edward James, George, and Kate Fanny
London: VI. Das 19. Jahrhundert
Pearsall, Robert Lucas (de)
Perry, George Frederick
Pinto, Thomas, and George Frederick
Salaman, Charles Kensington
Symphonie: V. England und USA10
2. In Warren Preece, ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed. (Chicago, 1974):
Tuning and Temperament 1
3. In J. Robijns and Miep Zijlstra, eds., Algemene Muziek Encyclopedie (Haarlem,
Bantock, Sir Granville
Barnett, John
Benedict, Sir Julius
Bennett, Sir William Sterndale 4
4. In Stanley Sadie, ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
(London, 1980):
Adams, Thomas
Arnold, John
Aspull, George
Atterbury, Luffman
Attwood, Thomas
Bach Revival
Bache Family
Balfe, Michael William
Barber, Robert (i)
Barnby, Joseph
Barnett, John
Barnett, John Francis
Benedict, Julius
Bennett, William Sterndale
Bexfield, William Richard
Bishop, Anna
Bishop, Henry Rowley
Blagrove, Henry Gamble
Bochsa, Robert Nicholas Charles
Buck, Zecheriah
Burghersh, John Fane, Lord
Callcott, John Wall
Camidge family
canticle: 4. Anglican
Chetham, John
Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek: 7. Approach to Composition; 8.–13. Works; 14. Editions
Clarke(-Whitfeld), John
Crotch, William
Danby, John
decani and cantoris
Ellerton, John
Elvey, George Job
Fawcett family
Field, John
Gauntlett, Henry John
Gray, Jonathan
Gray, Thomas
Green, John and James
Guest, George (i)
Harington, Henry
Hatton, John Liptrot
Havergal, William Henry
Hopkins family
Horn, Charles Edward
Horsley, Charles Edward
Horsley, William
hymn: IV. Protestant
Immyns, John
Jackson, William
Knapp, William
Knyvett family
Latrobe family
Leach, James
Loder family
London: I. Religious Institutions
Macfarren family
Madan, Martin
Mann, Arthur Henry
Marsh, John
Mason, William
Mornington, Earl of
Mudie, Thomas Molleson
Novello family
old way of singing
Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore
parish clerk
Parry, John
Parry, John Orlando
Parry, Joseph
Pearsall, Robert Lucas
Perry, George Frederick
Pierson, Henry Hugo
Pinto, George Frederick
Pinto, Thomas
psalmody (ii): I. England
psalms, metrical: I. Introduction; II. England; IV. America
Rimbault, Edward Francis
Rodwell, George Herbert Bonaparte
Sale family
Salmon family
Smart family
Smith, John Stafford
Spark, William
Spofforth, Reginald
Stainer, John
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
symphony: II. 19th Century
Tans’ur, William
Wade, Joseph Augustine
Wallace, William Vincent
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood
Walmisley, Thomas Forbes
Webbe, Samuel (i)
Webbe, Samuel (ii)
Wesley family
Williams, Aaron 104
6. In H. Wiley Hitchcock and Stanley Sadie, eds., The New Grove Dictionary of
American Music (London and New York, 1986):
Horn, Charles Edward
old way of singing
psalms, metrical 3
5. In Sally Mitchell, ed., Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia (New York and London, 1988):
Balfe, Michael William
ballad (drawing-room)
bands and band music
Bennett, William Sterndale
Bishop, Henry Rowley
dance music
Loder, Edward James
Macfarren, George Alexander
music education
music publishers
musical scholarship
Philharmonic Society
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour18
6. In Carl Dahlhaus, ed., Pipers Enzyklopädie des Musiktheaters (Munich, 1988– ):
Balfe, The Bohemian Girl
Barnett, The Mountain Sylph
Benedict, The Lily of Killarney
Bishop, The Miller and His Men
Bishop, Clari, or The Maid of Milan
Bishop, Manfred6
7. In Stanley Sadie, ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (London, 1992):
Barnett, John
Bishop, Henry Rowley
Great Britain
Hatton, John Liptrot
Horn, Charles Edward 5
8. In Raymond F. Glover, ed., The Hymnal 1982 Companion, II: Service Music
and Biographies (New York, 1994)
Barnby, Joseph
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Brady, Nicholas
Butts, Thomas
Courteville, Raphael
Damon, William
Darwall, John
Dowland, John
Farmer, John
Gardiner, William
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Hodges, Edward
Hopkins, Edward James
Knapp, William
Lockhart, Charles
Millar, Edward
Miller, Edward
Oakeley, Frederick
Ravenscroft, Thomas
Scholefield, Clement Cotterill
Simms, Bishop
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour
Wade, John Francis
Warren, Edmund Thomas
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
Williams, Thomas25
9. In Raymond F. Glover, ed., The Hymnal 1982 Companion, III: Hymns
(New York, 1994)
Essays on Hymns Nos. 24, 51, 57, 73, 83, 94, 105, 121, 137, 138, 142, 148, 149,
182, 188, 257, 259, 284, 322, 332, 344, 345, 365, 376, 377/8, 387, 388, 409, 411,
415, 428, 434, 447, 452, 453, 457, 462, 474, 481, 500, 522, 525, 532, 548, 562,
567, 581, 584, 609, 625, 641, 642, 658, 666, 668, 700, 71657
10. In Gerald Newman, ed., Britain in the Hanoverian Age, 1714–1837: An Encyclopedia
(New York, 1997)
Bach, Johann Christian
Bishop, Henry Rowley
Clementi, Muzio
Handel, George Frideric
Haydn, Franz Joseph
London Pianoforte School
music, choral
music, church
music, instrumental
music scholarship
musical concerts and concert life
Royal Academy of Music
Wesley, Samuel15
11. In Stanley Sadie, ed., The Revised New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
(London, 2001)
Revisions of articles by Temperley in The New Grove (see IV. 5 above)
Adams, Thomas
Arnold, John
Aspull, George
Atterbury, Luffman
Attwood, Thomas
Bach Revival
Bache Family
Barber, Robert (i)
Barnby, Joseph
Barnett, John
Barnett, John Francis
Benedict, Julius
Bennett, William Sterndale
Bexfield, William Richard
Bishop, Anna
Bishop, Henry Rowley
Bochsa, Robert Nicholas Charles
Buck, Zechariah
Burghersh, John Fane, Lord
Callcott, John Wall
Camidge family
canticle: 4. Anglican
Chetham, John
Clarke(-Whitfeld), John
Crotch, William
Danby, John
decani and cantoris
Ellerton, John
Elvey, George Job
Fawcett family
Gauntlett, Henry John
Gray, Jonathan
Gray, Thomas
Green, John and James
Guest, George (i)
Harington, Henry
Hatton, John Liptrot
Havergal, William Henry
Hopkins family
Horn, Charles Edward
Horsley, Charles Edward
Horsley, William
hymn: IV. Protestant
Immyns, John
Jackson, William
Knapp, William
Knyvett family
Latrobe family
Leach, James
Loder family
London: I. Religious Institutions
Macfarren family
Madan, Martin
Mann, Arthur Henry
Mason, William
Mornington, Earl of
Mudie, Thomas Molleson
old way of singing
Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore
parish clerk
Parry, John
Parry, John Orlando
Parry, Joseph
Pearsall, Robert Lucas
Perry, George Frederick
Pierson, Henry Hugo
Pinto, George Frederick
Pinto, Thomas
psalmody (ii): I. England
psalms, metrical: I. Introduction; II. England; IV. America
Rimbault, Edward Francis
Rodwell, George Herbert Bonaparte
Smart family
Smith, John Stafford
Spark, William
Spofforth, Reginald
Stainer, John
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Tans’ur, William
Wallace, William Vincent
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood
Walmisley, Thomas Forbes
Warren, Edmund Thomas
Webbe, Samuel (i)
Webbe, Samuel (ii)
Wesley family
Williams, Aaron 92
Revisions of articles by other authors in The New Grove:
Ainsworth, Henry (H. Wiley Hitchcock)
Dykes, John Bacchus (A. Hutchings)
Playford family (M. Dean-Smith)
Shrubsole, William (W. Shaw)
Slatyer, William (P. Le Huray)
Vamp-Horn (P. Bate)6
New articles:
Anglican and Episcopalian Church Music
Cole, John
Congregational Church, Music of the
Madan, Martin
Methodism, Music of
Old Way of Singing
Selby, William
Tuckey, William
Wesley, Charles (sen.)10
All these articles were updated and revised for Grove Online in 2012-13.
12. In The Oxford Companion to Music (Oxford, 2002)
Bach Revival
Character Piece
Opera, §20 (‘Opera today’)
Opera semiseria
Verse anthem11
Revisions of articles by other authors:
Ballad opera (P. Scholes)
Divertissement (W. Thompson)
Opera (D. Arnold, P. Griffiths)
Pitch (A. Baines)
Rondo form (G.M. Tucker)
Scale (P. Scholes, J. Nagley)
Sonata, §§5–10 (D. Arnold)
Sonata form (G.M. Tucker)
Voluntary (P. Scholes)9
13. In Dictionary of Early Modern Europe (New York, 2003)
Handel, George Frideric
Purcell, Henry3
14. In Ludwig Fenscher, ed., Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, revised edition
Miller, Edward
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood
Walmisley, Thomas Forbes3
15. In Annette Landgraf and David Vickers, eds., The Cambridge Handel Encyclopaedia (Cambridge
University Press, 2009)
“Joy to the World”3
16. In J. R. Watson and Emma Hornby, eds., The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology (online:
Canterbury Press, 2013)
Accompaniment (instrumental)
Alcock, John
Allison, Richard
Arnold, Samuel
Bay Psalm Book
Bourgeois, Louis
Chetham, John
Clarke, Jeremiah (1)
Clark(e), Jeremiah (2)
Composers of hymn tunes
Curwen, John Spencer
Day, John
East, Thomas
Frost, Maurice Wallace
Gauntlett, Henry John
Goss, John
Harrison, Ralph
Horsley, William
Leach, James
London hospitals
Madan, Martin
Miller, Edward
New Version
New Version, Supplement
Nicolai, Philipp
Old Hundredth
Old Version
Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore
Pearsall, Robert Lucas
Playford, Henry
Psalter, Scottish (musical section)
Reading, John
Rippon, John
Sheeles, John
Smith, Ian
Steggall, Charles
Tans’ur, William
Tune Names40
V. Reviews
1. Frank Merrick, ed., John Field, Piano Concertos 1–3 (Musica Britannica, 17)
Music and Letters 43 (1962), 168–70
2. Cecil Hopkinson, A Bibliographical Thematic Catalogue of the Works of John Field
The Musical Times 103 (1962), 239
3. A. Hyatt King, Some British Collectors of Music
The Musical Times 105 (1964), 271–2
4. E. D. Mackerness, A Social History of English Music
The Cambridge Review 86 (1964/5), 73–4
5. Gardner Read, Music Notation
Music and Letters 46 (1965), 165
6. Gerald H. Knight and William L. Reed, eds., A Treasury of English Church Music
The Musical Times 107 (1966), 54–7, 142–4
7. Ralph T. Daniel, The Anthem in New England Before 1800
The Musical Times 108 (1967), 510–12
8. Arthur Hutchings, Church Music in the Nineteenth Century
The Musical Times 108 (1967), 909–10
9. Percy M. Young, A History of British Music
The Musical Times 109 (1968), 241
10. Bernarr Rainbow, The Land Without Music
The Musical Times 109 (1968), 337–8
11. Oscar Sonneck, Francis Hopkinson and James Lyon
The Musical Times 110 (1969), 493
12. Michael Kennedy, Portrait of Elgar
Victorian Studies 12 (1969), 743–4
13. Erik Routley, The Musical Wesleys
The Musical Times 110 (1969), 743–4
14. Jacques Barzun, Berlioz and the Romantic Century
Music Library Association, Notes 27 (1970/1), 36–8
15. Edmund H. Fellowes, English Cathedral Music, new edn. rev. J. A. Westrup
The Musical Times 111 (1970), 712–13
16. Thomas Hastings, A Dissertation on Musical Taste
The Musical Times 111 (1970), 1226
17. Bernarr Rainbow, The Choral Revival in the Anglican Church, 1839–1872
The Musical Times 112 (1971), 73–5
18. Myles Birkett Foster, Anthems and Anthem Composers
The Musical Times 112 (1971), 243
19. Charles Avison, Six Concertos from Opus 6 (sound recording)
The Musical Quarterly 59 (1972), 687–90
20. David Branson, John Field and Chopin
The Musical Times 113 (1972), 670
21. Kenneth Long, The Music of the English Church
The Musical Times 113 (1972), 708–9
22. G. W. Williams, ed., Jacob Eckhard’s Choirmaster’s Book of 1809
The Musical Times 114 (1973), 495
23. Edna D. Parks, Early English Hymns: An Index
The Musical Times 114 (1973), 495–6
24. Patrick Piggott, The Life and Music of John Field
The Musical Times 115 (1974), 396–8
25. Edith Borroff, Notations and Editions
Music and Man 1 (1975), 361–3
26. Patrick Piggott, The Life and Music of John Field
The Musical Quarterly 61 (1975), 154–6
27. Philippe Entremont Plays Sonatas (sound recording)
The Musical Quarterly 61 (1975), 643–5
28. Jonathan Rennert, William Crotch, 1775–1847
The Musical Times 117 (1976), 35–6
29. Friedrich Blume, Protestant Church Music
The Musical Times 117 (1976), 572
30. William Weber, Music and the Middle Class
American Historical Review 81 (1976), 844
31. Alan Walker, Schumann; Ates Orga, Chopin: His Life and Times
The Musical Times 118 (1977), 481–2
32. Stainton de B. Taylor, Two Centuries of Music in Liverpool
The Musical Times 118 (1977), 483–4
33. Edgar Hunt, Robert Lucas Pearsall
The Musical Times 118 (1977), 1010
34. Leon Plantinga, Clementi: His Life and Music
Music and Letters 59 (1978), 206–9
35. Brian Jeffery, Fernando Sor: Composer and Guitarist
Music and Letters 59 (1978), 490–2
36. George R. Marek and Maria Gordon-Smith, Chopin
The Musical Times 120 (1979), 831–2
37. Jürgen Kindermann, ed., Hector Berlioz, Grande Messe des morts (New Berlioz
Edition, 9)
The Musical Times 121 (1980), 831–2
38. John Marsh, ed., Samuel Wesley, Confitebor tibi, Domine (Musica Britannica, 41)
Music Library Association, Notes 37 (1980/1), 129–30
39. Paul Chappell, Dr. S. S. Wesley, 1810–1876: Portrait of a Victorian Musician
Catholic Historical Review 66 (1980), 310
40. Peter J. Pirie, The English Musical Renaissance
The Musical Times 121 (1980), 246
41. Percy M. Young, George Grove 1820–1900: A Biography
The Musical Times 121 (1980), 705–6
42. Krystyna Kobylánska, Frédéric Chopin: Thematisch-bibliographische Werkverzeichnis
The Musical Times 122 (1981), 177
43. Henry Raynor, Music in England
The Musical Times 122 (1981), 314
44. James Methuen-Campbell, Chopin Playing: From the Composer to the Present Day
The Musical Times 122 (1981), 604–5
45. Geoffrey Chew, “Notation”, III, 4–6; Howard Mayer Brown, “Performing Practice”, 6
(articles in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians)
Nineteenth-Century Music 5 (1981/2), 164–5
46. Erik Routley, The Music of Christian Hymns
The Hymn 33 (1982), 191–3
47. Karl Kroeger, ed., The Complete Works of William Billings, I
American Music 1 (1982/3), 164–5
48. James A. Keene, A History of Music Education in the United States
The Musical Times 124 (1983), 426–7
49. Bernarr Rainbow, ed., English Psalmody Prefaces, 1562–1835
The Musical Times 124 (1983), 575
50. Peter Charlton, John Stainer and the Musical Life of Victorian Britain
The Times Literary Supplement (11 May 1984), 517
51. Charles Reid, The Music Monster
The Musical Times 126 (1985), 285
52. Derek Hyde, New-Found Voices: Women in Nineteenth-Century English Music
The Musical Times 126 (1985), 408
53. Clive Brown, Louis Spohr: A Biography
Music and Letters 67 (1986), 205–7
54. “Film Forum: The Beggar’s Opera (1953 and 1983); Musical Problems and Solutions”
Eighteenth-Century Life 10, new series (1986), 114–17
55. Stephen Banfield, Sensibility and English Song
Victorian Studies 30 (1986), 131–2
56. James Coover, ed., Music Publishing, Copyright and Piracy in Victorian England
Notes & Queries 232/1 (March 1987), 103–4
57. Richard Leppert and Susan McCleary, eds., Music and Society
The Musical Times 128 (1987), 685–7
58. Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, Chopin and His Pupils
Music Library Association, Notes 44 (1987/8), 270–1
59. Bernarr Rainbow, ed., Classic Texts in Music Education, Nos. 12, 15, 16, 18
The Musical Times 128 (1987), 685–7
60. Karl Kroeger, ed., The Complete Works of William Billings, III
Journal of the American Musicological Society 113 (1988), 179–86
61. William J. Gatens, Victorian Cathedral Music
Journal of the Royal Musical Association 113 (1988), 136–8
62. Arnold Whitall, Romantic Music
Music and Letters 69 (1988), 270–2
63. Peter Williams, ed., Samuel Wesley’s Bach Letters
The Musical Times 129 (1988)
64. Daniel J. Koury, Orchestral Performance Practice in the Nineteenth Century: Size,
Proportions, and Seating
Performance Practice Review 2 (1989), 170–2
65. Lionel Adey, Class and Idol in the English Hymn
Victorian Studies 33 (1990), 494–5
66. Madeleine Forell Marshall and Janet Todd, English Congregational Hymns in the
Eighteenth Century
The Hymn 40 (1990), 40–1
67. Robert F. Klepper, Methodist Hymnal Concordance; Robert F. Klepper, A Concordance of the
Pilgrim Hymnal
Music Library Association, Notes 47 (1990/1), 401–2
68. Emil F. Smidak, ed., Isaak-Ignaz Moscheles: The Life of the Composer and His Encounters with
Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin and Mendelssohn
Music and Letters 72 (1991), 303
69. Allen Perdue Britton, Irving Lowens, and Richard Crawford, American Sacred
Music Imprints 1698–1810: A Bibliography
The Times Literary Supplement (6 March 1992), 28
70. Allen Perdue Britton, Irving Lowens, and Richard Crawford, American Sacred
Music Imprints 1698–1810: A Bibliography
Journal of the American Musicological Society 45 (1992), 123-31
71. Nicholas Thistlethwaite, The Making of the Victorian Organ
Music Library Association, Notes 49 (1992–3), 106–8
72. A. Peter Brown with Julie Schlepel, eds., Joseph Haydn, Die Schöpfung/The Creation
Music Library Association, Notes 49 (1992–3), 346–50
73. Peter Horton, ed., Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Anthems I (Musica Britannica, 57)
H. Diack Johnstone, ed., Maurice Greene, Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day and Anthem,
“Hearken unto me, ye holy children” (Musica Britannica, 58)
Journal of the Royal Musical Association 117 (1992), 304–8
74. John Caldwell, The Oxford History of English Music, I
Music Library Association, Notes 49 (1992–3), 541–3
75. Mark Argent, ed., Recollections of R. J. S. Stevens: An Organist in Georgian London
The Times Literary Supplement (3 September 1993), 19
76. A. V. Beedell, The Decline of the English Musician 1788–1888: A Family of English
Musicians in Ireland, England, Mauritius and Australia
American Historical Review (February 1994), 230–1
77. James Parakilas, Ballads Without Words: Chopin and the Tradition of the
Instrumental Ballade
Music Library Association, Notes 50 (1993–4), 964–5
78. Vernon Wicker, ed., The Hymnology Annual, Vol. 3
The Hymn 45/4 (October 1994), 59–60
79. Donald Davie, The Eighteenth-Century Hymn in England
Music Library Association, Notes 51 (1994–5), 929–30
80. Peter Horton, ed., Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Anthems II (Musica Britannica, 63)
Music Library Association, Notes 51 (1994–5), 1450–1
81. David Rowland, A History of Pianoforte Pedalling
Music Library Association, Notes 52 (1995–6), 466–8
82. Robert Judd, ed., Aspects of Keyboard Music: Essays in Honour of Susi Jeans
Music Library Association, Notes 52 (1995–6), 463
83. Cyril Ehrlich, First Philharmonic: A History of the Royal Philharmonic Society
The Times Literary Supplement, No. 4852 (29 March 1996), 19
84. Cyril Ehrlich, First Philharmonic: A History of the Royal Philharmonic Society
Michael Musgrave, The Musical Life of the Crystal Palace
Music Library Association, Notes 53 (1996–7), 44–7
85. C. Steven LaRue, Handel and His Singers: The Creation of the Royal Academy
Operas, 1720–1728
Michael Musgrave, The Musical Life of the Crystal Palace
Albion 28 (1996), 500–2
86. R. Williamson, William Sterndale Bennett: A Descriptive Thematic Catalogue
Music & Letters 78 (1997), 604–7
87. J. R. Watson, The English Hymn: A Critical and Historical Study
Music & Letters 79 (1998), 429–31
88. A. W. Atlas, The Wheatstone English Concertina in Victorian England
Victorian Studies 41/1 (Autumn 1997), 129–30
89. Ian Bradley, Abide With Me: The World of Victorian Hymns
Music & Letters 80 (1999), 303–6
90. Thomas K McCart, The Matter and Manner of Praise: The Controversial Evolution of
Hymnody in the Church of England 1760–1820
Music Library Association, Notes 56 (1999–2000), 143–4
91. Dale Adelmann, The Contribution of Cambridge Ecclesiologists to the Revival of
Anglican Choral Worship 1839–62
Albion 31 (1999), 516–18
92. Brian Robins, ed., The John Marsh Journals
Music & Letters 80 (1999), 628–
93. Robert T. Bledsoe, Henry Fothergill Chorley, Victorian Journalist
George Eliot—George Henry Lewes Studies, 38–39 (September 2000), 103–5
94. Christina Bashford & Leanne Langley, eds., Music and British Culture 1785–1914: Essays in
Honour of Cyril Ehrlich
Music & Letters 82 (2001), 632–5
95. Christina Bashford & Leanne Langley, eds., Music and British Culture 1785–1914: Essays in
Honour of Cyril Ehrlich
Victorian Studies 44 (2002), 301–3
96. Susan Wollenberg, Music at Oxford in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Albion 35 (2003), 312–13
97. John Daverio, Crossing Paths: Schubert, Schumann, Brahms
19th Century Music Review, 1/1 (2004), 162–5
98. Michael Musgrave, ed., George Grove, Music and Victorian Culture
Music & Letters 85 (2004), 460–2
99. Ian Woodfield, Salomon and the Burneys
Albion 36 (2005), 710–11
100. Philip Olleson, Samuel Wesley: The Man and his Music
Music & Letters 86 (2005), 120–3
101. Michael Kassler, ed., Charles Edward Horn’s Memoirs of his Father and Himself.
Music & Letters 86 (2005), 297–8
102. Paul Foster, ed., Marsh of Chichester (1752–1828)
Music & Letters 86 (2005), 633
103. Michael Kassler, ed., The English Bach Awakening
Music & Letters 87 (2006), 321–2
104. Julian Rushton and Rachel Cowgill, eds., Europe, Empire, and Spectacle in
Nineteenth-Century British Music
NABMSA Newsletter 3/1 (Spring 2007), online
105. Sally Harper, Music in Welsh Culture Before 1650
NABMSA Newsletter 4/2 (Autumn 2008), online
106. Christina Bashford, The Pursuit of High Culture: John Ella and Chamber Music in
Victorian London
University of Illinois, Sonorities (Winter 2008), 50
107. Ian Graham-Jones, ed., Alice Mary Smith: Two Overtures
Music Library Association, Notes 66:1 (September 2009), 166–8
108. T. E. Muir, Roman Catholic Music in England, 1791–1914
Music & Letters 91 (2010), 266–8
109. Colin Timothy Eatock, Mendelssohn and Victorian England
Journal of British Studies 48 (2010), 900–01
110. Gillen D’Arcy Wood, Romanticism and Music Culture in Britain, 1770–1840: Virtue and
Music & Letters 92 (2011), 295–7
111. Peter Holman, Life after Death: The Viola da Gamba in Britain from Purcell to
Early Music Performer 29 (2011), 13–15
112. Gordon D. W. Curtis, A Provincial Organ Builder in Victorian England: William
Sweetland of Bath
NABMSA Newsletter 7/1 (Spring 2012), 16–18
113. Bernarr Rainbow, Bernarr Rainbow on Music: Memoirs and Selected Writings
Music & Letters 93 (2012), 241–3
Repr. with addendum, as “The Wrong Title?” in Peter Dickinson, ed., Music
Education in Crisis (London, 2013), 153–60
114. Martin V. Clarke, ed., Music and Theology in Nineteenth-Century Britain
NABMSA Newsletter 7/2 (Autumn 2012), 12–14
115. Rosemary Golding, Music and Academia in Victorian Britain
Nineteenth-Century Music Review 12 (2015), 340–2
116. Timothy Duguid, Metrical Psalmody in Print and Practice: English ‘Singing Psalms’
and Scottish ‘Psalm Buiks’, c. 1547–1640
Music & Letters 96 (2015), 269–71
117. Martin Thomas, English Cathedral Music and Liturgy in the Twentieth Century
Church History (June 2017)
118. Andrew Gant, O Sing unto the Lord: A History of English Church Music
Church History
119. Victorian Opera Orchestra (Richard Bonynge, conductor), CD Recording of Balfe’s
Satanella, Naxos 8660378–79
19th-Century Music Review
VI. Editions of Music
1. George F. Pinto, Piano Sonata in E Flat Minor. London: Stainer & Bell, 1963.
2. George F. Pinto, Two Canzonets. London: Novello, 1965.
3. Samuel Wesley, Sacred Song, “Might I in thy sight appear”. London: Novello, 1966.
4. Edward James Loder, Raymond and Agnes, opera in 3 acts (vocal score). Cambridge:
[Clare College], 1966.
5. Anthems for Men’s Voices. Peter le Huray, Nicholas Temperley, Peter Tranchell and David Willcocks, eds. 2 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
— [excerpt] Tomás Luis di Victoria, O sacrum convivium (ed. NT). London: Oxford
Unviersity Press, 1966.
6. Hector Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, Op.14. (New Berlioz Edition, 16.) Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1972. Reprinted 2003.
7. Henry H. Pierson, Agnus Dei in F. London: Novello, 1973.
8. English Songs 1800–1860. Geoffrey Bush and Nicholas Temperley, eds.
(Musica Britannica, 43.) London: Royal Musical Assication, 1977.
Selection reprinted as Romantic Songs, London: Stainer & Bell, 1979.
9. William Croft, Hymn, “To thee, O Lord of hosts”. London: Novello, 1978.
10. William Sterndale Bennett , Symphonies 3–5. (The Symphony, ser. E, vol. 7.)
New York and London: Garland, 1982.
11. The Overture in England 1800–1840. (The Symphony, ser. E, vol.6.)
New York and London: Garland, 1984.
12. William Crotch, Symphony in F Major. (The Symphony, ser. E, vol.4.)
New York and London: Garland, 1984.
13. The London Pianoforte School, 1766–1860. 20 vols. New York and London:
Garland, 1984–7.
1. Muzio Clementi. Works for piano solo, 1711–1783
2. Muzio Clementi. Works for piano solo, 1784–1802
3. Muzio Clementi. Works for piano solo, 1787–1804
4. Muzio Clementi. Works for piano solo, 1811–1829
5. Muzio Clementi. Gradus ad Parnassum
6. Music by Continental composers in London, 1766–1810
7. Music by late Georgian composers, 1766–1830
9. John Baptist Cramer. Studio per il piano forte
10. John Baptist Cramer. Selected sonatas, 1788–1821
11. John Baptist Cramer. Selected pieces, 1792–1851
12. John Field. Works for piano solo, 1795–1815
13. John Field. Works for piano solo, 1815–1837
14. George Frederick Pinto, complete works for piano solo; Philip Cipriani Hambly Potter,
selected works for piano solo
15. Music by Continental composers in London, 1810–1850
16. Music by early Victorian composers, 1830–1860
17. William Sterndale Bennett. Works for piano solo, 1834–1840
18. William Sterndale Bennett. Works for piano solo, 1841–1876
19. A selection of four-hand duets
20. Works for two pianos
14. Tommaso Giordani. Three Quintets for Keyboard and Strings. (Recent Researches
in Eighteenth-Century Music, 25.) Madison, Wisconsin: A–R Editions, 1987.
15. Franz Joseph Haydn, The Creation. New English edition. London: Peters, 1988.
16. Edward James Loder, Sonata for Flute and Piano in E Flat Major. Edited and completed by Nicholas Temperley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.
17. Eighteenth-Century Psalmody. Edited by Nicholas Temperley and Sally Drage. (Musica Britannica, 85). London: Stainer & Bell for the Royal Musical Association, 2007.
Selection reprinted with piano accompaniment added, as Sing We Merrily, London: Stainer & Bell, 2008.
18. Christmas is Coming: A Collection of Carols Composed, Arranged, and Edited by
Nicholas Temperley. London: Stainer & Bell, 2009.
19. The Whole Book of Psalms: A Critical Edition of the Texts and Tunes. Beth Quitslund and Nicholas Temperley, eds. (Renaissance English Text Society Publications, 36.) 2 vols. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, forthcoming. Audio Supplement on
VII. Original Compositions
1. “Elegy” for piano. In: The Young Musician, Vol.7, No.1 (October 1940).
2. “Interlude in a Modern Idiom” for organ. In: Preludes, Interludes, Postludes (Gordon Phillips, ed.), Vol.7. London: Hinrichsen, 1962.
3. Original carols in Christmas is Coming, 2009 (see VI.18)
O mortal man, 1951
I sing of a maiden, 1953
As I lay upon a night, 1954
Welcome Yule, 1955
Here we come a-wassailing, 1955
Out of your sleep, 1957
Christmas is coming, 1988
VIII. Arrangements
1. Carol arrangements in Christmas is Coming, 2009 (see VI.18)
All hail to the days
Angels we have heard on high
Arise and hail the sacred day (J. Stephenson)
Away in a manger (J. R. Murray)
Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella (M.-A. Charpentier)
Christ the King is born
Dame get up and bake your pies
Dans la nuit et sous la neige
En nombre del cielo
Hark! the herald angels sing (S. Arnold)
I saw three ships
I wonder as I wander (J. J. Niles)
Il est né, le divin enfant
Masters in this hall
O Bethlehem
Rockabye Jesus
Stille Nacht (F. Grüber)
Whence is that goodly fragrance
Yesterday I saw from far away